I strive to deliver concept-based and interactive courses in which participants are supported and the material is relevant and immediately applicable.

All classes are conducted live over Zoom, with recordings available to registered participants for a limited time afterwards.
Chase the Perpetrator, Not the Pain
This 4-hour, 2-part live virtual class will provide an experiential exploration of healthy and pathological upper extremity movement patterns, normal scapular alignment landmarks for observation, and biomechanical concepts that are foundational in addressing repetitive use problems of the upper extremity through applications of yoga.
Both classes will provide a guided yoga asana and experiential exploration followed by Q and A and open discussion regarding what you experienced and applications of Yoga.
Appropriate for Yoga Therapists, Yoga Therapists in Training, and longtime Yoga practitioners and Yoga teachers. Classes will be recorded and available for one week following the live event.
Part 1: Scapular pain syndromes, shoulder impingements and tendonitis ($60)
Saturday March 22nd 10:30 AM – 12:30 PM PT
Part 2: Elbow and wrist tendonitis, carpal tunnel and De Quervain’s syndromes ($60)
Saturday April 5th 10:30 AM – 12:30 PM PT
Part 1 and Part 2 ($120 value for $80)
Save $40 by signing up for both parts.
11th Step Yoga and Meditation Workshop ($300)
Open to members of any 12-step recovery program.
16 sessions, 8 weeks
Next class offering dates TBD
How the Foot Meets the Ground:
Bunions, Hallux Valgus Dynamics and Yoga ($60)
This 2-hour live online class is an experiential exploration of factors that influence how we use our feet and the interconnected biomechanical system of the lower extremity. Post-practice discussions will include foot types, common evolutions of foot morphology and pathology, as well as the foot-knee and foot-hip relationships. The class will be recorded and available for viewing for 2 weeks.
Open to Yoga therapists, teachers and longtime practitioners.
Next class offering dates TBD.
I am committed to making therapeutic yoga accessible to all individuals regardless of their age, ability, body size, gender identification, sexual orientation, ethnicity, race or socio-economic status. For more information please CONTACT ME.