“The success of Yoga does not lie in the ability to perform postures but in how it positively changes the way we live our life and our relationships.”
T.K.V. Desikachar

What is Yoga Therapy?
Yoga therapy uses the tools of yoga: postures, breathing, meditation, chanting, mantra, visualization and more. Techniques are modified to meet your individual capacity and are sequenced into a daily prescribed practice that is designed to move you towards your personal goals.
I practice “Viniyoga”. The Sanskrit translation of Viniyoga is “appropriate application”, or proper application based on the situation. The inference is that the yoga is designed to meet the needs and capacity of the individual rather than having the individual conform to the yoga.
Viniyoga is not a “style” of yoga but rather, it is a holistic approach to working with a human system based on the authentic teachings of Tirumailai Krishnamacharya and his son T.K.V. Desikachar.
The purpose of the yoga is to reduce suffering by bringing the human system into balance. By using prescribed movements, breathing and focused attention the practice shifts the state of the individual and change is noted on every level: body, mind, breath, behavior and emotions. As the system moves towards equanimity the spirit is liberated and there is increasing peace. The changes that come through doing a daily practice are gradual, continuous, and most importantly, sustainable!
The relationship between teacher/mentor and student is the heart and soul of the Viniyoga tradition. Viniyoga practitioners all have mentors and all do a prescribed daily practice given to them by their mentor. As your mentor, your transformation is my ultimate joy. Whether I am providing you with tools to navigate physical or mental health, wellness, or personal growth, I feel called to do this work and it is my honor to work with you.